Vasan Healthcare will open its first overseas eye-care centres in Dubai and Colombo in two-three months.

Both the centres are company-owned Greenfield projects, as the healthcare chain does not believe in the franchisee model. “We have already identified local signatories for our overseas entry. Construction work is on and we expect to open the centres (measuring 10,000 sq ft each) soon,” said Mr P. A. Unni, Director – Strategy, Vasan Healthcare.

The healthcare chain will invest Rs 8-10 crore in each of these centres.

“We will initially look at the South Indian population in Dubai and Colombo, as they are already aware of the Vasan brand-name. But our target is also the local population as both Dubai and Colombo are underpenetrated with regards to eye-care – most people come to Chennai, Hyderabad and Kerala for treatment,” said Mr Unni.

Vasan will hire a mix of local doctors as well as those from the UK and India. “Getting local talent is difficult due to the stringent licence norms in these countries,” said Mr Unni.

Depending on the success of these two pilot centres, Vasan will look at opening centres in GCC countries and Muscat.

The Vasan Healthcare chain currently has 90 eye-care centres and 12 dental-care centres in India, across South India, Punjab, Delhi, Mumbai, Nasik and Surat. Recently, it entered the under-penetrated market of Bengal with two eye-care centres in Salt Lake and Howrah. By December, Vasan hopes to have 125 centres across the country.

Vasan Healthcare is in the process of finalising its second round of PE funding. It is looking to raise $115 million to consolidate existing businesses and expand into verticals such as infertility, skincare, urology and orthopaedics.