Yubi, a credit marketplace, has acquired a 100 per cent stake in Bengaluru-based credit analytics company FinFort Infotech LLP. Financial details of the transaction were not disclosed.

In a press release, the Chennai-based fintech unicorn Yubi said FinFort offers technology infrastructure and data analytics for private data to banks and NBFCs and the acquisition will enable the company to expand its product suite and enhance its capabilities.

As part of the current acquisition, FinFort will join the Yubi group of companies, collaborating with Yubi’s subsidiary, Corpository, a SaaS-based credit analytics platform for corporate lending.

Yubi Founder & CEO Gaurav Kumar and Aniket Shah, CEO of Corpository, have joined FinFort Infotech LLP as designated partners. FinFort is the third acquisition for Yubi, which acquired debt collections technology platform Spocto and Corpository in 2022.

Yubi’s profile

Yubi is an online debt marketplace that connects borrowers and lenders for various credit products including corporate lending, supply chain financing, real estate & infrastructure financing, co-lending, securitisation, and fixed-income securities.

It has so far facilitated debt financing to the tune of ₹1.40-lakh crore with over 17,000 enterprises, and more than 6,200 investors and lenders on its platform.