The importance of body language in effective communication was the theme point of an address given by Major (Retd) K.V. Rajan, business consultant (franchise, education & training). He was speaking to final-year students of Abdul Hakeem College, Melvisharam, at a BL Club lecture organised in the institution. The event was presented by Tata Photon+.

Major Rajan explained the nuances of various gestures and how they facilitated better communication.

The speaker stressed the importance of non-verbal communication forms such as dance, theatre and music. Though language plays an important role in verbal communication, ingredients such as body language and voice enable effective communication. “Language, like salt, should be used in the right quantity to prepare tasty food,” he said.

Language researchers have proved that language has only an 8 per cent role in effective verbal communication; the remaining 92 per cent is comprised of body language and voice.

He elaborated on the meaning of gestures and illustrated the same with a PowerPoint presentation peppered with humorous graphics.

The right use of body language enables one to excel in marketing and selling. The graphics illustrated some of the gestures, including an erect walk indicating one's confidence; standing with hands on hip, a sign of readiness and aggression; the commonly-seen hand to cheek pose indicating ones evaluation/ thinking prowess; and an open palm expresses sincerity, openness and innocence.

He impressed upon the students the need to avoid negative gestures such as biting one's nails; patting and fondling one's hair; rubbing hands; resting hands in the pocket, hunched shoulders and arms crossed across one's chest.

He gave the students tips for effective communication including looking one directly in the eye; standing up straight; a spontaneous smile; and focusing on those we are talking to.

He concluded with a cartoon presentation on how to impress others by pursuing achievable goals; presenting an endearing but genuine smile; sharing and helping; maintaining a youthful spirit; keeping cool under pressure; and being a team person with a high level of confidence.

Having implicit faith in one's teaching staff and parents and trusting one's alma mater will enable the students to become proud alumni, he added.