There was a slight disruption to the production in the Visakhapatnam steel plant on Sunday morning, during casting of liquid steel in one of the casters (CCM -2), according to a press release by the authorities. There was a spillage of liquid steel due to the breakdown of slide gate of the ladle.

Production was disrupted from 9 a.m to 3 p.m in CCM-2 but the other casters continued to function normally. There were no casualties, only some of the electrical cables were damaged.

There was only about 13 to 14 cubic meters of metal spillage and it will be reused as a scrap in the steel- making, adds the release.

The steel melt shop has recorded the best converter lining life of 6500 heats and has been taken for re-lining after normal schedule repairs. Meanwhile, the affected caster will also be made ready.

There are six casters available in the continuous casting shop of SMS and the other casters will automatically take the load in such an event.

The damaged cables are being repaired.