Pipavav port, India’s first port in the private sector, continues to retain the foremost position in marine exports among the major ports in terms of quantity in FY'14. The port’s share of exports was 25.27 per cent out of the total 9,83,756 tonnes seafood exported from the country.

A senior official in the Seafood Exporters Association of India told Business Line that handling of low value processed fish in large quantities had helped Pipavav to emerge as the front-runner among the major ports in terms of volume. The port handled 2,48,621 tonnes in FY'14 against 2,33,738 tonnes in the previous fiscal, an increase of 6.37 per cent.

However, in terms of value, Vizag port came to the No 1 position overtaking Kochi port by clocking a revenue of ₹6,825.64 crore, a growth of 104 per cent vis a vis last fiscal. Growth in dollar terms was also up by 82 per cent at $1,131.25 compared with $620.93. In the last fiscal, both Kochi and Vizag maintained an almost equal share in the earnings.

The official pointed out that export of vannamei shrimps, a high value aquaculture product mainly farmed in Andhra Pradesh, have contributed substantially to the higher earnings of Vizag port. Besides, the focus given by exporters in the region to that port due to better access had helped fetch better earnings.

Though Kochi port registered 37 per cent growth in revenue at ₹4,491 crore in FY'14, it came to the second position after Pipavav in terms of quantity handled. Kochi handled 1,60,798 tones whereas the figure of Vizag was 1,02,146 tonnes.

However, marine exports through Kochi showed a slight decline which stood at 1,60,798 tonnes against the previous years figures.

According to SEAI official, unlike the East Coast ports focussing on shrimp aquaculture, the ports in the West Coast mainly depend on sea caught shrimps. This method has started diminishing of late due to excessive fishing which is reflected in the total quantity being exported from this area, he said.

Marine products were exported through 26 sea/air/land ports. Exports improved from Chennai, Krishnapatnam, Tuticorin and Mangalore compared to last fiscal.

South East Asia continued to be the largest buyer of marine products with a share of 26.38 per cent in terms of US dollar value realisation. The US is the second largest market with a share of 25.68 per cent followed by the European Union (20.24 per cent), Japan (8.21 per cent), other countries (8.20 per cent), China (5.85 pe4r cent) and West Asia (5.45 per cent).