Arabica Plantation A and B grades have received support from an exporter at the Indian Coffee Trade Association (ICTA) auctions.

According to auctioneer, J Thomas & Co, Arabica Plantation PB grades were bought by the domestic trade. There was good demand for Arabica Cherry from both exporters and domestic trade.

Robusta Parchment coffees continued to get support from the exporters where as domestic roaster and merchant trade bought Robusta Cherry coffees.

As for the prices, Arabica Plantation PB grade sold at current price levels (Rs 10,000), A grade price were lower by Rs 250 for 50-kg bag compared to previous sale, B grade prices were higher by Rs 100 to Rs 300 for 50-kg bag. C grade remained unsold as sellers price expectation were higher than the buyers interest.

Arabica Cherry PB price was lower by Rs 250, A and B grade sold at Rs 9,105, C grade sold at previous price levels and were bought by the domestic trade. Robusta Parchment PB, AB and C grades sold at price similar to last sale levels, AA and RKR prices were lower by Rs 50. Robusta Cherry coffee price were higher by Rs 100 to Rs 200.

Arabica Plantation BBB price were higher by Rs 900 when compared to last sale, Arabica Cherry, Robusta Parchment and Robusta Cherry BBB sold at price similar to last sale date and were bought by the domestic trade.

Prices in 50-kg bags: Arabica varieties — Arabica Plantation PB Rs 10,000-10,065, Arabica Plantation A Rs 10,500, Arabica Plantation B Rs 10,000-10,500, Arabica Plantation BBB Rs 7,600-7,710, Arabica Cherry PB Rs 9,105, Arabica Cherry A Rs 9,100, Arabica Cherry B Rs 8,750, Arabica Cherry C Rs 6,400-6,600 and Arabica Cherry BBB Rs 5,600-5,800.

Robusta varieties — Robusta Parchment PB Rs 7,750, Robusta Parchment AB Rs 8,250, Robusta Parchment AA Rs 8,400, Robusta Parchment RKR Rs 8,350, Robusta Parchment C Rs 7,300, Robusta Parchment BBB Rs 5,350-5,750, Robusta Cherry PB Rs 5,850-5,970, Robusta Cherry AB Rs 6,050-6,150, Robusta Cherry C Rs 5,720-5,750. Robusta Cherry BBB Rs 5,450-5,550.
