A Vedic meteorology practitioner in Tamil Nadu, who calls himself a novice, draws inspiration from India’s history dating back to the third or fourth century as a powerhouse of ancient knowledge and wisdom. Advanced mathematics was one of its forte. Not just did our mathematicians unveil the concept of zero, but they made contributions to the study of algebra, trigonometry and arithmetic, among others. 

And what has Mathematics to do with meteorology? A lot, according to late Edward Norton Lorenz, an MIT meteorologist and an American mathematician who explained how important it is to make good weather forecasts and unleashed a scientific revolution known as ‘Chaos Theory,’ now known as the ‘chaotic behaviour’ in the mathematics weather system. 

India, global annual forecasts

According to S Ramachandran, Vedic meteorologist, theories and methods enshrined in Vedic meteorology are precious and need to be guarded by the Government of India. “It is a super weapon,” he told businessline, as he chronicled his experience and cited the relatively high accuracy with which he makes annual forecasts not just for India but also for the globe. 

“Those who are interested in learning Vedic Meteorology must read books like Brihat Samhita, Prasna Marga and Suriya Siddantha, among others,” Ramachandran said. “Most of the important theories are scattered and it’s upto the individual to correlate. Combining these theories with modern positional astronomical data is crucial in bringing out forecast. Here, I would like to state here I humbly refuse to share my research with any individual or institution than Government of India,” he added. 

Read also: All you wanted to know about Doppler Weather Radars

More accurate for globe

“I have been into this research since 1995. While accuracy of my annual weather forecast for the Indian subcontinent varies from 60-70 per cent, the same with global weather forecasts is more than 75 per cent,” Ramachandran pointed out. And these forecasts are made a year in advance! He said he had warned about the failure of the 2009 South-West monsoon as early as in November-December 2008. In 2014, he published forecast about the 2015 catastrophic floods in Chennai. He also gave a specific warning about very severe cyclone Gaja that hit Tamil Nadu in November 2018. 

US blizzards, bomb cyclone

Ramachandran had made a series of predictions in 2021 about the severe winter the US encountered a year later in 2022. The forecast made in December 2021 spoke about the threat from a series of blizzards that would dump heavy to very heavy snowfall and icy rainfall between November 28 and December 3, 2022, and again during December 5 to 9. He had warned of powerful blizzards revisiting the nation between December 15 to 24 and this was precisely when winter storm Elliott raged. 

He had accurately predicted ‘two distinctly different types of weather conditions’ unfolding between October-end and December-end, 2022, in his 2021 annual forecast. The affected area would include a swathe in the mid-latitude regions of the Southern Hemisphere, its ’Torrid Zone’ around the South Pacific nations, Indonesia and surrounding countries, Australia, New Zealand and Latin America countries, Central and South-East African countries and the South Indian Ocean islands.