Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation (GCMMF), which markets milk and milk products under the Amul brand nationally, on Monday announced an increase of Rs 2 per litre in the Delhi and the National Capital Region (NCR) markets with effect from Tuesday (October 15).

With this upward revision, a GCMMF spokesman said the price of Amul Gold full-cream milk will increase from Rs 42 to Rs 44 per litre. Prices of Amul Taaza toned milk and Amul Slim-n-Trim double toned milk will also be increased by Rs 2 per litre.

“We shall have similar price revisions in other parts of India where Amul milk is being sold.”

The price rise is attributed to inflation in prices of cattle feed, dry and green fodder, diesel and other inputs costs over the last year. This year’s extended monsoon has also led to a scarcity of fodder and, therefore, overall fodder prices have increased by about 30 per cent. There has been an increase of 15 per cent in the price of cattle feed since September 2012.

While the current food inflation is around 18 per cent, Amul milk prices have been increased marginally by only 10 per cent over the last year. As a result, Amul is only partly passing on the price rise to the consumers, the spokesman said.

For every rupee taken from consumers, Amul pays 80 paise back to dairy farmers, who are the real owners of Amul.