Bayer Crop Science has launched a high-yielding hybrid maize variety for farmers in Bihar for the coming rabi season, the company said in a statement on Monday.

Called DKC 9188, the variety would help farmers in Bihar, which accounts for two-thirds of 27 million tonnes maize produced in the country, to increase productivity by preventing losses caused by diseases and insects.

DKC 9188provides better plant strength compared to other hybrids and delivers uniform, long corn cobs and shiny grains with strong yield stability and higher yield potential. This new corn hybrid is suited to multiple soil types and a wider sowing window and provides farmers flexibility in their planting decisions.

“DKC 9188 with its high yield potential, wider adaptability and strong plant type will empower Bihar’s progressive farmers to boost their corn (maize) yields and improve Bihar’s contribution to India’s national corn output,” said Simon Wiebusch, Chief Operating Officer, in the statement.

Bayer is committed to support corn farmers with innovative seed and crop protection products along with integrated crop solutions to help them achieve higher productivity and profitability per acre, Wiebusch further said.

Leader in maize

Farmers in the eastern State are already leading in maize production and adoption of new technologies. As against the national average productivity of 3 tonnes per hectares, Bihar farmers harvest over 10 tonnes per hectare, which is more or less similar to the average maize productivity in the US.

Maize is India’s third-largest cereal crop (after rice and wheat), with cultivation across 9 million hectares. Besides being a staple food crop, corn is used as animal feed and biofuel and finds use in a wide range of industrial food products. This makes corn an emerging cereal crop of significant importance for India’s national food security.