A strong demand from blenders and local buyers has lifted CTC dust prices in Kochi tea auctions.

The quantity offered in sale 5 was 6,39,963 kg and 99 per cent was sold. The market was dearer by ₹1 to ₹2 and appreciated more especially popular marks of Kerala and good liquoring teas. The auctioneers Forbes, Ewart & Figgis said blenders together purchased 61 per cent of the total quantity sold. The average price realization was up by ₹153 compared to ₹151 in the previous week.

Traders cited the lower quantity offered due to winter in production centres and high requirements in the domestic market as the reason for the price rise. The increase in price was more for medium and plainer teas compared to high-priced ones.


Orthodox dust market was also steady with 100 per cent of the offered quantity of 6000 kg sold. Small quantities were picked by exporters and upcountry buyers.

Meanwhile, the subdued export demand continued to hit the orthodox leaf market with only 70 per cent of the offered quantity of 2,70,841 kg sold. The demand from CIS countries was lower, while West Asia and other destinations lent fair support.

CTC leaf

However, in CTC leaf, the demand was strong with 100 per cent of the offered quantity of 27,500 kg sold. The demand, according to traders, was mainly internal, especially from North Indian buyers due to the end of the crop season in Kolkata. The situation is likely to continue till March with the arrival of new crops there.