Due to hartal normal working of the markets were affected as traders closed down shutters. Arrivals and local dispatches remained absent. Prices wise a steady trend was prevailing in sugar market. At Mill level volume remained higher previous day evening as stockiest continued fresh inventory buying. Morale was steady said sources.

New arrivals at Vashi remain standby and waiting to unload. There were no loading unloading activities in the market. But on Monday evening about 25 mills sold about 80,000 bags at ₹2,860-2, 970 (₹2,860-2,970) for S-grade and ₹2,970-3,100 (₹2,970-3,100) for M-grade. Nominal Sugar spot rates were:(in ₹) S-grade 3,015- 3,130 and M-grade 3,120 – 3,320. Nominal Naka rates were:(in ₹) S-grade 3,020– 3,080 and M-grade 3,070 – 3,170.