The eagerly awaited and engaging spell of wet weather has kept date with Chennai and the rest of Coastal Tamil Nadu from this (Wednesday) morning with frequently intense rain being reported from parts of the metropolis and the rest of the state, especially the southern parts.

The Chennai community of weather bloggers gleefully tweeted the developments live from their respective and keenly-followed handles, as the rain bands descended over the metropolis and elsewhere, and also ventured to analyse prospects of the weather going forward, as well.


Bloggers go live with tweets

@Chennaisweather said that the ‘Chennai weatherman catches North-East Monsoon 2020 in Chennai. Bands are lined up from Chennai-Vedaranyam touching coastals. Most parts of Chennai City are getting rains as it is moving inland. Super days are ahead for us sure.’

Also read: Weather: Easterly flows may revive this week, bring back rains

This handle had exhorted followers on Tuesday to ‘get ready to see the active phase of #Monsoon #rains from tomorrow. #Chennai, Tiruvallur, Kanchipuram Entire coastal #Tamilnadu will rock and the possibility of wet Diwali too. #Interiors will be getting rains from 12th.’

Blogger @ChennaiRains noted this (Wednesday) morning fairly intense #thunderstorms to the east of Coastal #TamilNadu all the way from #Chennai to Delta. It will tease & torment but slowly move inland over the next few hours. In all probability Chennai and suburbs could be the early beneficiaries.

Heavy rains expected in Chennai

@chennaiweather announced that ‘heavy drizzles started in #chennai as intensity will increase as day progress. Moderate to heavy rain possible over many places in North Coastal Tamilnadu.’

@JW_Chennai had said on Tuesday that ‘monsoon likely to enter active phase from tomorrow and heavy rains possible in many places along NTN/SAP (North Tamil Nadu/South Andhra Pradesh) coast. Heavy rains will be seen in #Chennai this week’. It said this morning that ‘bands parked off near coast will bring the first spell of rains along the #coastal places. #Chennai will also see intermittent rains and will gradually increase.’

Also read: North-East monsoon may hit lean patch again

Easterly waves arriving

India Meteorological Department (IMD) had said on Tuesday that the North-East monsoon would get into an active phase from Wednesday with moderate to heavy showers and isolated heavy to very heavy showers for Chennai and variously for the rest of the South Peninsula until Tuesday next.

Two easterly waves would be arriving across the Bay of Bengal, packing the ‘rain heads’ for the East Coast of India (Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh) into the waiting hands of a cyclonic circulation persisting off the South Sri Lanka coast and a trough extending into the West-Central Bay of Bengal.