Karnataka is offering a bonus of ₹425 per quintal for tur (redgram) growers, over and above the minimum support price (MSP) of ₹5,675 for the pulses crop. The total pay-out for tur growers will be ₹6,100 a quintal for the 2018-19 season.

Farmers have been asked to register their details for the tur procurement, which would commence soon.

A maximum quantity of 10 quintals will be procured from each farmer, according to a notification.

According to the Karnataka Agriculture Department, tur has been planted on about 15.29 lakh hectares in the State and the total production is expected to be around 10.19 lakh tonnes.

“₹6,100 per quintal for tur is a good price and it should help stabilise prices in the State,” said Prakash Kammaradi, Chairman, Karnataka Agricultural Prices Commission (KAPC), who had recommended the bonus over MSP.

At present, the market arrivals of the new crop have begun in the north eastern districts of Yadgir and Kalburgi among others. Unseasonal rains recently had hit the harvest and standing crop in Kalburgi district.

Growers unhappy

However, the growers are not happy with the quantum of bonus. “Erratic rainfall pattern has hit the yields this year. We had urged the government to give us at least ₹1,000 per quintal over and above the MSP to offset our losses. We will urge the government to increase the bonus,” said Basavaraj Ingin, President, Karnataka Red Gram Growers Association.

Tur prices are hovering around ₹4,500, much below the MSP levels in the State.