Maharashtra has achieved 102 per cent sowing for the Kharif season, thanks to 121 per cent of the average rainfall recorded across the state. The Agriculture Department shared this update during the state Cabinet meeting in Mumbai on Thursday. From June 1 to September 2, the state received 1002 mm of rainfall. In comparison, during the same period last year, the state received only 81.4 per cent of the average rainfall.
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The state’s total kharif sowing area spans 142.02 lakh hectares, out of which 144.92 lakh hectares have been sown, reflecting 102 per cent coverage. While five talukas recorded 50-75 per cent rainfall, a remarkable 305 talukas experienced more than 100 per cent rainfall.
The major dams in Maharashtra have filled to 100 per cent capacity for the first time since 2018. The Water Resources Department provided this information during the Cabinet meeting. Major dams such as Ujani, Koyna, Jayakwadi, Bhatsa, and Vaitarna are now nearly full. Last year, these dams had only around 65 per cent water storage during this period.
The Cabinet meeting also approved key revisions to the Birsa Munda Agricultural Revolution Scheme, providing increased subsidies for wells, farm ponds, and electricity connections.
Under the revised scheme, farmers will now receive up to ₹4 lakh for new irrigation wells and up to ₹1 lakh for repairs to existing wells. Previously, the subsidies were ₹2.5 lakh and ₹50,000, respectively. Additionally, ₹40,000 will be granted for in-well boring and ₹50,000 for agricultural machinery. Kitchen gardens will be eligible for a ₹5,000 subsidy. Importantly, the earlier requirement for a well to be 12 meters deep has been removed, along with the rule mandating a 500-feet distance between two irrigation wells.
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