A two day national conference on agriculture will begin here tomorrow to discuss the rabi (winter) crop prospects this year.

Agriculture Minister Mr Sharad Pawar will inaugurate the conference at the National Agriculture Science Centre (NASC), according to an official statement.

There will be broad-based discussions with state agriculture officers on preparedness for the rabi season, which begins next month. Progress in sowing of crops during the kharif season, which lasts till the end of this month, will also be taken into account, the statement said.

The main rabi crops are wheat, barley, gram, pulses, linseed and mustard. The conference would discuss timely supply of farm inputs such as seeds, fertiliser, credit and insurance to farmers during the season.

It will also discuss the possibility of increasing area under boro rice, pulses and wheat under the National Food Security Mission and will deliberate on covering micro irrigation in the rabi season.

The conference will also look at strengthening the agri- marketing infrastructure and will stress upon the state governments to make amendments to their APMC Act as well as to waive off market fee for perishable horticulture commodities.