Ninjacart, a leading agri-platform, has partnered with Avanti Finance to provide easy credit access to agriculture value chain participants.

The agriculture community relies on informal lending as a large portion of this population remains underserved by the banks and NBFCs. Through this partnership, Ninjacart and Avanti will co-create and make available relevant credit products to the agri community at a reasonable cost for helping them manage their cash flow and improve working capital.

The combination of the digital-first approach of Avanti Finance with data insights provided by Ninjacart will be a driving force in introducing lending-defined products focused on the agri value chain, said Ninjacart in a statement on Tuesday.

The vision is to build a platform that will compliant with Open Credit Enablement Network for secured credit information flow. With a first-of-its-kind infrastructure and a digital-to-digital-to-consumer model, the partnership will enable smooth credit transactions based on cash flow data from agriculture players, said Ninjacart.

Ninjacart operates in over 150 markets across multiple agri commodities.

Thirukumaran Nagarajan, CEO & co-Founder of Ninjacart, said the financing will give the agriculture community more freedom, allowing them to make the best decisions for their own benefit. “We plan to augment the potential of this partnership further by extending credit facilities to the ecosystem’s agri-participants such as traders, food growers, producers, farmers and retail outlets,’’ he said.

Manish Thakker, COO, Avanti Finance, said the partnership is another step to provide cash flow-linked financial services to the underserved segment and infuse digital financial inclusion in the agri-value chain ecosystem.