Pepper prices in Kochi have remained steady for the past one week, thanks to a robust demand-supply position. Prices are ruling at ₹315 and the offtake on Thursday was 30 tonnes.

A good quantity of the commodity was traded from Kerala and Karnataka and the end-users have started covering more quantities on a surging demand across the country. Those buyers who wanted to buy 550 G/L pepper are able to manage to source the produce because of the availability of the commodity from Karnataka, said Kishore Shamji of Kishor Spices.

The demand from the domestic market is expected to pick up in the coming days because of the increased requirements both from end-users as well as dealers. Since farmers are interested to liquidate their stock, he said prices would remain steady.

IPSTA Cochin black pepper rate: MG1 ₹335, ungarbled ₹315; 500 G/L ₹305.