Aiming to broaden the trade links with Germany, the Spices Board, in association with the Marine Products and Exports Development Authority (MPEDA), hosted an interactive session with German Consul General Margit Hellwig- Boette here.

The Consul General pointed to the strong ties between the two countries and indicated that trade relations would continue to grow in her address to a gathering of marine exports representatives from Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka.

Boette said that Germany is a frontrunner in consuming organic products. “Indian Ocean is a strategic economic zone as the Indo-German ties have strengthened. Germans are happy with the products from India especially because they meet the international standards,” she added.

MPEDA Chairman A Jayathilak advocated for boosting the spice and marine products exports and pressed for a transparent quality check procedures during the exports.

“India has been striving hard to meet the prescribed quality standards by European Union and I am happy that we are exporting our products with very less rejection of consignments. ‘Going organic’ is the buzzword of the town and we are now exporting pesticide-free products,” he said during the interactive session.

He also added that there is an increase demand for value added products in Germany, which accounts for 25 per cent of the total EU imports from India. Pepper, mint products, oil and oleoresins form a good share of the imports.

Marine exports to Germany were to the tune of 5,211 metric tonnes worth $ 39.69 million during 2015-16. Frozen shrimp was the major item of export (80 per cent by quantity and value) followed by frozen cephalopod and fish.

Syed Ibrahim, Honorary Consul, German Consulate, pointed that the German food industry relied heavily on spices, especially from quality conscious Kerala.

“Germans use large amounts of cinnamon and ginger in their Christmas cake. I have seen that they very much appreciate products from India,” said Syed.

Ernakulam District Collector K Mohammed Y Saffirulla said that Kerala is known for its environmental policies. The food security and safety drives and awareness campaigns have tremendously enhanced the quality of the products. “We can say with assurance that we have adopted international standards,” he added.