Spot rubber prices slid on Monday with RSS 4 at ₹126 (126.50) a kg due to buyer resistance, according to the Rubber Board. The July futures declined to ₹127 (127.95), August to ₹128 (129.14) and September to ₹126.51 (127.90) per kg on the National Multi Commodity Exchange RSS 3 (spot) weakened to ₹108.18 (109.41) at Bangkok.

Its June futures dropped to ₹98.90 (102.38) on the Tokyo Commodity Exchange (TOCOM). Spot rubber rates (₹/kg) were: RSS-4: 126 (126.50); RSS-5: 122 (122); ISNR 20: 120 (121) and Latex (60 per cent drc): 86.50 (87.75).