Spot rubber finished lower on Wednesday. RSS 4 weakened further to ₹123.50 (124) a kg, according to traders and the Rubber Board. The grade dropped to ₹120.50 (121) according to dealers. The volumes were dull. April futures closed at ₹122.28 (121.89), May at ₹124.35 (123.99), June at ₹127 (127.09) and July at ₹130 (129.50) on NMCE.

RSS 3 (spot) slid to ₹113.42 (113.43) at Bangkok. Spot rubber rates (₹/kg) were: RSS-4: 123.50 (124); RSS-5: 120 (120.50); ISNR 20: 114 (115) and Latex (60% drc): 83.50 (83.50).