Union Minister for Fisheries Parshottam Rupala has stressed the need for creating awareness among the livestock farmers about the importance of providing quality feed to the animals.

Inaugurating the two-day CLFMA of India (Compound Livestock Feed Manufacturers of India) national conference here on Friday, he said it was important to explore tapping of alternative feed options such as stubble which is abundantly available in some areas.

“It will offer a cheaper option for farmers in places where they face shortages,” he said.

Neeraj Kumar Srivastava, Chairman of CLFMA, said that the world faced a formidable challenge in this century as it had to feed 200 crore more people by the end of the century. “You need to feed more people, which will require sustainable agriculture,” he said.

Discussing the challenges

They would also needed proteins which would require more number of livestock population. He said the two-day event would discuss the challenge of feeding this additional livestock population. TRS MP G Ranjit Reddy, who is also Managing Director of SR Hatcheries, has asked the Minister to support the poultry industry that didn’t receive any budgetary sop.

On Saturday, the CLFMA conference would discuss ‘Demand supply outlook of corn and soybean’ and ‘strategies for sustainable animal agriculture’. Balram Singh Yadav (Managing Director of Godrej Agrovet), Mrugank Paranjape (Managing Director and CEO of NCDEX E-markets Limited), B Soundararajan (Chairman of Suguna Holidings), BM Masthan Rao (Chairman of BMR group), Bahadur Ali (Managing Director of IB Group and Rahul Kumar (CEO of Lactalis India) will take part in the deliberations.