Global machine manufacturers and raw material suppliers in brick industry, including those from China, will participate in ‘Bricks Expo 2013’, being organised here on December 7 and 8.

About 30 machine manufacturers and raw material suppliers, besides technology providers, will participate in the event, Devendra Prajapati, President, Gujarat Bricks Manufacturers’ Federation, said here on Wednesday.

Brick industry in India is growing at a 15 per cent CAGR.

Bricks made from mud, fly ash, pond ash and hollow bricks will be on display in the two-day exhibition.

Manufacturers of bricks from major centres like Mumbai, Nashik, Coimbatore, Hyderabad, Pune and Bhubaneswar, besides those in Gujarat, will participate in the expo, he said.

Gujarat’s brick-making has seen faster growth in Kutch district due to availability of raw material, machine and manpower in the recent past.