Paucity of data on the country’s labour market remains a big challenge and the Labour Ministry hopes to unveil the findings of three employment related surveys on the unorganised sector this year to bridge a part of the gap.

These include the quarterly findings of the Area Frame Establishment Survey, which is a part of the All-India Quarterly Establishment based Employment Survey (AQEES) as well as reports of the surveys on migrant labour and domestic workers.

“We hope to start releasing the reports of the Area Frame Establishment Survey from October this year. From then onwards, it should be a quarterly exercise providing good quality, high frequency data,” said a Labour Ministry source.

2.5 lakh establishments

The Area Frame Establishment Survey would provide employment estimates for establishments employing nine or less workers in sectors including manufacturing, construction, trade, transportation, education, health, accommodation and restaurants, IT/BPO and financial service activities. In all, it would cover about 2.5 lakh establishments across the country.

Till now, three reports of the Quarterly Establishment Based Survey, which is another component of the AQEES, have already been released.

Migrant labour, domestic workers

The Ministry also hope to release findings of two separate surveys on migrant labour and domestic workers later this year. “Work is on regarding both the surveys and we hope to release the findings by the end of the year,” the source said.

The survey on migrant workers covers 1.5 lakh households and aims to estimate the number of such workers in the country, collect data on their household characteristics, socio-economic condition sand working conditions as well as study the impact of Covid-19 on their work.

Social security benefits

Similarly, the survey on domestic workers would estimate the number of such workers across the country as well as assess their socio-economic conditions, wages and other related parameters.

The findings of these surveys are expected to help the government as it tries to bring in social security benefits for unorganised sector workers as well as in registration of more such workers on the eShram portal.