Amid layoffs worldwide in the aftermath of the Covid-19 pandemic, a leading electronics retailer in Kerala, myG, bucked the trend to create more jobs during the period. myG, which had 83 stores when the pandemic hit, opened 10 more subsequently and hired over 200 persons.

Launched in 2006 with eight employees, myG currently employs more than 2,000. It plans to hire 4,000 more by the end of 2023, after launching 50 myG Future stores in major cities across the State.

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“The biggest dream of myG, along with its expansion, is to create maximum employment opportunities. We treat an employee as a partner... Also, we take care of the well-being of the entire family of the employee,” said AK Shaji, Chairman and Managing Director, myG.

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The company, on overage, added 20 to 30 employees a year in its first two years, before increasing the pace to 100-200 a year until 2016. It has since recruited 300 to 350 employees a year.

The company says it offers a salary that includes statutory benefits, gratuity, bonus and health insurance, as per industry standards. It also offers benefits like a canteen for employees, payment of their children’s school fees, and food kit for their family.

Potential hires have to pass an induction test, the company says, adding that it offers job training to improve its workforce’s skills.