Experts during a workshop on GI (Geographical Indication) products from Kerala underlined the need for commercial utilisation of GI tag status, besides creating awareness among consumers and producers on all aspects of such products.

The virtual workshop was conducted jointly by FICCI-Kerala State Council and ATMA Farm Tech, to address the basic challenges faced by GI products such as its lack of recognition IP in India. There are around 24 GI products from Kerala and each product is part of the art and culture of regions.

Savio Mathew, Head, FICCI Kerala State Council, pointed out that the industry body is carrying out a detailed study on GI products and its infringements. The report would be submitted to the government with detailed recommendations and a plan of action. According to him, applying a false GI tag and selling them are punishable for not less than six months to three years and a fine of ₹50,000 to ₹3 lakh.

P.Indira Devi, former Director of Research, Kerala Agricultural University pointed out that GI is a collective property right and the public sector has to take the responsibility for registering products for GI certifications. This certification has to be given to the products which are developed by the generations of certain regions using collective knowledge.

Emphasising the need for constant testing and quality assurance for GI products for branding, she said products should penetrate into overseas markets to fetch more returns. However, the main challenge is that the benefits of GI tag products are reaching only to a limited number of producers. A clear information among the producers and customers with regard to quality of products are lacking. Majority producers are not aware of any marketing strategies.

According to MP Sanuraj, Managing Director & CEO, ATMA Farm Tech Pvt Ltd, the workshop was conducted to give a new direction to the GI entrepreneurs to reach up to the next level. ATMA Farm Tech has started the online platform to bring all GI products to a single online platform with a focus on taking the products to both upcountry and overseas markets.

ATMA could help farmers for marketing and aid manufactures to focus on innovation and production activities, he added.