To boost the aviation industry’s gender diversity, the International Air Transport Association (IATA) in collaboration with Amazon Web Services (AWS) is launching a virtual datathon to stimulate the development of data-based solutions. The datathon builds on the success of IATA’s 25by2025 initiative.

“The launch of the 25by2025 initiative in 2019 prompted the industry to take a closer look at the gender diversity of its workforce and take actions to make sure it is reflective of the societies it serves. The IATA and AWS diversity datathon is intended to further strengthen gender diversity in the industry, which complements the existing IATA Diversity and Inclusion Awards,” said Jane Hoskisson, IATA’s Director Talent, Learning, Engagement and Diversity at IATA, in a statement.

“Initiatives like this are instrumental in fostering diversity and inclusion globally and will help us all amplify under-represented voices and empower diverse communities,” said Charlene-Elise Anderson, Leader Intergovernmental Organizations, AWS.

Datathon participants will be asked to address one of two challenges—How to demonstrate to a CEO the impact of diversity, equity and inclusion using data and/ or new technologies? How can airlines redress the gender balance on the flight deck and other technical roles through data and/or new technologies?

Who can participate

Registration for the datathon started on March 22 and is open to professionals in the airline industry, including airlines, airports, software vendors, start-ups, systems integrators (SIs), and any other organisations working in aviation. All participants will be granted access to an AWS environment which will enable them to build their proofs of concept. Importantly, all teams will be given an opportunity to join training sessions on technical and business topics which will be held by AWS architects and industry specialists from IATA and IATA’s member airlines.

The virtual datathon will run till April 28. Submissions will be evaluated by an independent panel of experts from IATA and AWS, the statement said.