The Kolkata Port Trust (KoPT), on Wednesday described private cargo-handler Haldia Bulk Terminals (HBT) allegations as “frustrating” and “obnoxious” and accused the latter of holding the port and its users at ransom.

According to KoPT chairman, Manish Jain, HBT walked out from Haldia due to its internal problems.

“We have refused to accept their decision. HBT has been asked to restart operations immediately failing which we will seek demurrages for the losses to be incurred by the port,” Jain told Business Line .

Unfulfilled contract

HBT has decided to exit Haldia operations and blamed KoPT for not fulfilling “contractual obligations”. This includes failure to allot enough cargo for the company to break-even.

Jain further said that KoPT had gone out of its way to ensure smooth operations of HBT. The agreement with the cargo handler does not have a guarantee on the minimum cargo to be offered. However, on September 12, KoPT offered more cargo to “maximise utilisation” of the project.

“They agreed to the new terms and conditions and carried on operations till September 22. Later, we came to know that they had some internal issues with regard to man-power,” Jain said.

According to him, the company has never disclosed any such issues to KoPT.

“We requested them not to take any hasty decisions as it would further the problems,” he said.

HBT, Jain alleged, had acted in “haste” especially, when their applications for restarting operations were pending before the Calcutta High Court. KoPT had also willingly provided for space to set up police outposts inside the dock complex.

“We had brought HBT with good intentions. The contract was for 10 years and we will incur huge losses if they quit mid-way. Where will we go,” Jain questioned.
