Hyderabad, April 18 Indigo’s maiden direct flight service from Hyderabad to Dhaka has been launched on Monday from GMR Hyderabad International Airport (GHIAL) Ltd. 

The IndiGo Flight 6E 1931 will depart from GMR Hyderabad International Airport at 12:45 hours. The return IndiGo Flight 6E 1932 from Dhaka will arrive in Hyderabad at 6:50 hours.

The two hours forty-five minutes flight will operate between GMR Hyderabad International Airport and Dhaka twice a week – Saturday and Monday  

As per data by the Indian tourism ministry, about 54 per cent of all international visitors to India for medical treatment are from Bangladesh. Hyderabad has emerged as one of the preferred destinations for medical tourists from Bangladesh. It is a known fact that Hyderabad has some of the finest medical facilities and state of the art infrastructure in the Asia Pacific region. To attract medical tourists to the city, airlines are adding new flight routes connecting to the popular international destinations catering to the segment.

``Apart from many tourist places to visit in Hyderabad, the city has also been a major hub for medical tourism. Over the years we have seen a massive influx of medical tourists along with leisure travellers. There is a great demand for direct connectivity between Hyderabad and Dhaka,’‘ Pradeep Panicker, CEO- GHIAL said here on Monday. 

``This new connectivity will not only allow Bangladeshis to explore our city and medical facilities but also give a chance for the Hyderabadis to experience the unique charm of Dhaka,’‘ he added,