Delhi-based low cost airline IndiGo said on Tuesday that it plans to curtail about 30 flights a day.

In a press statement, the airline said that it is “slightly adjusting its flight schedule in the coming days by approximately 30 flights per day. These adjustments amount to 1-2 per cent of the originally planned number of flights.” The statement is, however, silent on for how long these slight adjustments will be in place or what the reasons for the adjustments are.

The statement adds this is being done to stabilise the network and operations impacted due to various ongoing Notice to Airmen and predicted bad weather in the coming days. In order to avoid inconvenience, the statement said the passengers are being accommodated close to their original flight schedules.

In the past, IndiGo has had to ground aircraft due to engine problems which, too, saw its flight schedules getting affected and the passengers being inconvenienced. In March last year, IndiGo grounded 11 Airbus A-320 neo aircraft powered by certain Pratt and Whitney engines following instances of engine failures during flights.