Jet Airways’ CEO Sanjiv Kapoor is gearing up to launch a revived Jet Airways that not only matches the standards of the erstwhile airline but also exceeds them.

In a communication to employees, Kapoor said: “No “chalta hai” attitude: This is my biggest bugbear, and something there will be no room for at Jet Airways. “Chalta hai” will not work here, and ‘not possible’ is not an answer. Everything is possible, we just need to know how long it will take and how much it will cost. Focus on the basics and pay attention to the details – the small things make a big difference!”

Highlighting the 10 guiding principles that the employees will need to follow, he said: “The proving flight is now around the corner, and after that, our AOC! We will completely change gears after AOC and ramp up all of the factors listed below in order to be ready to begin operations in the July – September quarter this year,”

He said Jet Airways is in talks with major aircraft manufacturers and lessors, studying all options available. “We will soon take a call on the kind of aircraft that aligns with our long-term plans, and announce the decision soon after AOC.”

Dos and don’ts

In an internal communication to his employees, Kapoor listed out multiple do’s and don’ts as the company, and its employees are “together going to create history - for the first time in the history of Indian aviation, an airline is being revived.”

He added that for a company like Jet, “values and principles guide us, not some rigid rulebook.” He explained that rules are extremely important, however, following the ‘Golden Rule’ to “do the right thing, be fair, be respectful, and use common sense and empathy as your constant guide.” 

Further, he added: “We will not look to capitalise on the misfortunes of the people we interact and work with – whether it is our customers or staff.”  

He further added that as a rule, he believes in open communication and transparency. He said that Jet Airways 2.0 will have an open-door policy where anyone is free to walk in to talk to the senior management representatives. As a practice, “I will also institute weekly meetings where everything is discussed openly and as ONE TEAM!”

Politics, concealing information as a mark of power and leaking information, ‘chalta hai’ attitude and the Mistaking Articulation for Action (MAFA syndrome) are some of the things that will not be tolerated at Jet Airways, Kapoor said.

Referring to Apple’s founder Steve Jobs’ slogan ‘Think Different’, he said the path-breaking slogan was adopted by Jobs in Apple back in 1984. Jobs changed the world multiple times. 

, Jet Airways must be driven by the desire to think differently, he said adding: “To not just be a copy-paste of other airlines. To not just look in the rear-view mirror and plan the future based on the past, but to change the way business is done in the future!”

He said it is crucial for the employees and the airline to not see customers as an “ATM machine to be shaken-down at every opportunity like we sadly see commonly across the industry today, rather the customer is what our business, salaries, and long-term success depend on!”

Speaking about the usage of technology, Kapoor said that buzzwords like Metaverse, blockchain, IoT, AI, ML, Big Data, Chat Bots, and What Nots mean nothing to him. “What matters is a website that works. An app that is not stuck in a time warp. Error messages that are not gibberish geek-speak.”

While he has assured the best in class digital presence, “we will not give up the human touch – there will always be the option to speak with a human,” because an airline is a customer-driven business.

“Fire up your cylinders,” and “get ready to change gears,” Kapoor said