With the Centre giving its clearance, Visakhapatnam Port would take up construction of a cruise and coastal cargo terminal in 2019, according to Chairman M.T. Krishnababu.

He was speaking to the media here on Friday after inaugurating the command and control centre in the administrative office. He said the port had set up the command and control centre to streamline the functioning of the port and to improve customer satisfaction. The centre, which would be operational all the time, would monitor all operations within the port premises.

He said, "It has advanced technological features - CCTV footage from 80 high resolution HD cameras positioned at various locations for effective monitoring of cargo-handling operations, as well as for surveillance to tighten security. Security is very important for the port given the presence of both Indian naval vessels as well as commercial vessels. An RFID gate management system for monitoring vehicle movement, advanced wireless communication systems, VHF system, AIS radar system and others will enable data capturing on real-time basis. This will make it a very secure, efficient port."

Cruise berth, terminal: He said the cruise berth and terminal work would start in a few months' time, with central financial assistance. The Ministry of Tourism had agreed to bear half the cost of Rs 77 crore needed for the project. It would be given as a grant. He said a cruise vessel - Silver Discoverer - would make three calls in January and February, giving a boost to tourism here.

Cargo-handling: Krishnababu said the cargo-handling target for the current financial year (2018-19) is 66 million tonnes, as against 63.54 million tonnes handled in 2017-18. "We achieved 43.03 million tonnes by the end of November, as against 40.95 million tonnes during the corresponding period in the previous financial year. We are confident of achieving the target - 66 million tonnes," he said.

The financial position of the port is good, with operating income of Rs 696 crore, operating expenditure of Rs 372 crore, operating surplus of Rs 324 crore and net surplus of Rs 184 crore during the current year (2018-19), as against Rs 630 crore, Rs 347 crore, Rs 283 crore and Rs 162 crore respectively in the previous year (2017-18).

He said the port was adjudged the second cleanest among major ports in the country for the third successive year, the first being New Mangalore Port. The award was presented recently in New Delhi.