The US has said that the Nuclear Suppliers Group’s decision to approve a set of new guidelines on sensitive nuclear trade has brought India closer to its integration with global atomic commerce.

“We were very pleased with this particular meeting of the Nuclear Suppliers Group. With regard to the Indian relationship to the group, I think we believe that we did make some progress in bringing India closer, and that conversation will continue,” the State Department spokesperson, Ms Victoria Nuland, said at her daily news conference yesterday.

“We feel that the Nuclear Suppliers Group made some progress this time in bringing India closer,” Ms Nuland said.

On Thursday, the White House had welcomed the new set of guidelines on sensitive nuclear trade approved by the 46-nation NSG.

“This Administration remains committed to ensuring that nations in good standing can have access to peaceful nuclear energy without increasing the risks of nuclear weapons proliferation,” the White House Press Secretary, Mr Jay Carney, had said.

This latest step, coupled with the agreement last December to establish an International Atomic Energy Agency nuclear fuel bank, advances the US President’s nuclear agenda laid out in Prague in 2009, the White House said.

“It further demonstrates the clear determination of nations to strengthen the international non-proliferation regime and build new frameworks for civil nuclear cooperation,” Mr Carney said.