The “callous” approach of Delhi Police in probing the 2008 ‘cash-for-vote scam’ came under severe criticism today from the Supreme Court which asked it why no custodial interrogation has been conducted in the case so far.

“We are not happy at all with the probe done by the Delhi Police. This is not the way to prove the offence of such serious nature,” a Bench headed by Mr Justice Aftab Alam said.

Expressing dissatisfaction over the probe, the Bench said no progress has been made by the police in more than two years.

“No substantial progress has been made in two years. We are really concerned. Investigation must move fast and it must be brought to its logical conclusion,” it said.

The court was hearing a petition filed by the former Chief Election Commissioner, Mr J.M. Lyngdoh, seeking its directions to the Government to take action against politicians involved in the scam which relates to the trust vote faced by the UPA Government in July 2008.

As soon as the matter came up for hearing, the Bench expressed surprise over the contents of the status report filed by the Delhi Police in the case.

“This is not investigation. You are telling a story to the court on the basis of statement made by some people. There is no inference drawn up by you,” the Bench said, asking the police why no custodial interrogation has been done so far in the case.

The court expressed concern, saying “Investigation has been done with callousness on the complaint filed by Lok Sabha Secretary.”

The court asked the police to file a fresh status report within two weeks.

Mr Lyngdoh had alleged in the petition that though the entire nation was shocked by the spectacle of three BJP MPs displaying wads of currency notes in Parliament as bribe money to vote in favour of the UPA during the 2008 trust vote, no action has so far been taken against those guilty.

According to the petition, though the incident had occurred on July 22, 2008, neither the Delhi Police Crime Branch which registered an FIR nor the chairman of the Joint Parliamentary Committee had so far taken any tangible step.

Mr Lyngdoh, in his petition, has urged the apex court to direct the Government to set up an independent SIT to probe the allegations in a speedy manner.

On July 22, 2008, three BJP members had placed Rs one crore cash in Lok Sabha alleging they were given to them by the floor managers of the UPA Government to secure their support during the no-confidence motion after the Left parties withdrew their support over the Indo-US nuclear deal.

The allegation was levelled by BJP MPs Mr Ashok Argal, Mr Faggan Singh Kulaste and Mr Mahavir Bhagora.