India has achieved “key success” at the G-20 Summit in Rome with leaders, for the first time, identifying sustainable and responsible consumption and production, along with provision of finance and technology as “critical enablers” for achieving climate goals of keeping 1.5°C within reach, India’s G-20 Sherpa Piyush Goyal has said.

“We got into the text..and have language which confirms that developed world has acknowledged that they have not done enough and will have to be more forthcoming in providing finance, technologies, and the enablers to make the transition to clean energy world in the future,” Goyal said addressing a press conference at the end of the G20 Leaders Summit.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s mantra of sustainable lifestyle has been reflected in G20 declaration on sustainable consumption and responsible production patterns.

Goyal said, G20 had also agreed that WHO will fast track the process for Emergency Use Authorisation for Covid-19 vaccine. He added that leaders recognised the importance of mutual recognition of Covid-19 vaccine certification, keeping in mind the domestic rules and regulations.

India also pushed and obtained commitment from the G20 for improving livelihoods of small and marginal farmers, Goyal added.

G20 delivered a strong message of recovering from the pandemic, for economy, health, employment, education, tourism and climate action, he said.

On Saturday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi stressed on the need for early recognition of Indian Covid-19 vaccines by the World Health Organization and said the country hoped to produce over 5 billion doses next year.

Addressing world leaders at the summit, the Prime Minister also called for mutual recognition of vaccine certification by countries as it was necessary to aid international travel without which economic recovery was not possible.

5 billion doses

“I want to use the G20 platform to announce that India is preparing to produce over 5 billion doses of vaccines next year. This commitment will greatly help in containing the global pandemic. Therefore, it is important that the WHO gives recognition to Indian vaccines fast,” Modi said, speaking at the session on ‘Global Economy and Global Health’.

While AstraZeneca and Oxford University's Covishield has been approved for emergency use by WHO, Bharat Biotech’s Covaxin is yet to get the nod.

Modi expressed satisfaction over the G-20's decision to come up with a 15 per cent minimum corporate tax to make the global financial architecture more “just and fair”.

COP 26 summit

The PM will now travel to Glasgow to participate in the COP-26 World Leaders’ Summit to be held on November 1-2. Heads of State/Government of more than 120 countries will discuss ways to check global warming and address climate change and re-assess their commitments.

On Sunday, apart from participating in G20 sessions on climate change and sustainable development, Modi also met his Spanish counterpart Pedro Sanchez for bilateral talks.