Over 25 State governments may have to pay environment compensation of ₹1 crore each for not submitting their action plans on systematic disposal of plastic waste to the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) as the April 30 deadline set by the National Green Tribunal has expired.

The States had to submit action plans by April 30 to the CPCB, failing which they will have to pay the pollution body a compensation at the rate of ₹1 crore per month, as per the National Green Tribunal (NGT) order.

Speaking to PTI, SK Nigam, former Additional Director of CPCB, said, “They (States) did not comply with our orders, so we moved the NGT. Now they are violating NGT orders, so they have to pay the price for it. The punishment not just includes compensation but imprisonment too, in some cases.”

Nigam said conditions were poor in terms of plastic and solid waste management rules as States do not prioritise the same.

“The state of affairs is poor. Waste management is the last in the list of priorities of municipal corporations. The CPCB will now apprise the NGT about non-compliance and make the states pay heavy amount for the default.”

Cause of non-compliance

Explaining the cause of non-compliance by State governments, NGO Indian Pollution Control Association (IPCA) Chairman Ashish Jain said there was lack of knowledge among State authorities and a communication gap between State and central government officials.

“Lack of knowledge and updates among the State pollution control boards is the main reason for non-compliance of plastic waste management rules. There is a communication gap between the ministry of environment and state level officials responsible for waste management compliance.

“The Ministry of Environment needs to conduct awareness programmes to educate state-level officials to carry out necessary measures to segregate plastic and dispose it,” he said. The NGT had earlier this year directed all States and Union Territories except Andhra Pradesh, Sikkim, West Bengal and Puducherry to submit action plan for compliance of PWM Rules and furnish the same to the CPCB by April 30, 2019.