Trinamool Congress today ruled out any action against Mr Dinesh Trivedi, who resigned as the Railway Minister, saying that he has been asked to attend the parliamentary party meeting which party chief Ms Mamata Banerjee is expected to attend.

“No. He has been asked to attend the Parliamentary Party meeting,” Trinamool leader Mr Sudip Bandhopadhyay told reporters here. He was asked whether Trinamool will take any action against Mr Trivedi.

He said the Prime Minister’s Office had called Mr Trivedi yesterday and asked him to tender his resignation.

Asked when would Ms Banerjee’s nominee Mr Mukul Roy take over as Railway Minister, he said the decision will be taken at the Parliamentary Party meeting.

61-year-old Trivedi resigned last night as Railway Minister ending his defiance and bringing to a close five-day drama after he incurred the wrath of Trinamool Congress for hiking passenger fares in the Railway Budget.

Earlier, Mr Trivedi said he will be participating in the Trinamool Congress Parliamentary Party meeting here which will be attended by the West Bengal Chief Minister. “I would be going. Mamata has invited me and certainly I am still a member of Trinamool Congress. So I certainly will be attending,” he said when asked by reporters whether he will attend the meeting. “I have done my duty and I am happy,” he said.

On the question of Trinamool pressing on amendments on the NCTC issue in the President’s address, Mr Bandhopahdhyay said the Prime Minister in his reply to the motion is likely to make an announcement that no further action on the proposed organisation will take place before April 16 when meeting of Chief Ministers will be held in Delhi.

Asked whether his party will rock the UPA government, he said he has already made it clear that Trinamool Congress would like to see the government complete its full five year term.