The Finance Ministry has imposed definitive anti-dumping duty on detergent grade ‘Zeolite 4A’ from China. This anti-dumping duty—unless revoked earlier—will last for five years.

Gujarat Credo Mineral Industries Ltd and Chemicals India had filed the petition seeking anti-dumping probe on detergent grade ‘Zeolite 4A’ from China.

GCMIL produces Zeolite 4A for detergent industry use and supplies to all major detergent makers in India, including Nirma, Ghari, Jyothy Lab and P&G on regular basis.

Zeolite 4A is mainly used in detergents as a builder. Zeolites are micro porous crystalline solids with well-defined structures. Generally, they contain silicon, aluminium and oxygen in their framework and cat-ions, water and/or other molecules within their pores. Many occur naturally as minerals, and are extensively mined in many parts of the world. Others are synthetic, and are made commercially for specific uses in various industries.

Detergent grade zeolites are primarily water softener compounds, used to remove calcium and magnesium ions from hard water. This results in softening of water, which requires less soap for the same cleaning effort, as soap is not wasted mopping up calcium ions.

Based on the recommendations of the Designated Authority in the commerce ministry, the revenue department has imposed definitive anti-dumping duty that ranged from $ 163.96 per tonne to $ 207.72 per tonne.