The Union Cabinet is likely to take up a proposal on Wednesday for repealing three farm laws. This is a follow-up to the Prime Minister’s announcement regarding the intention to withdraw the laws.

Read also: The farm laws, the protests and their repeal

“Cabinet is likely to take up on Wednesday the withdrawal of the three Farm laws for approval. The bills for withdrawal of the laws shall then be introduced in the forthcoming parliament session,” government sources said here.

Read more: Why the new agri laws are not anti-farmer

This move has come when farmers are protesting against the bill and demanding the arrangement of Minimum Support Price (MSP) under a law. On November 21, PM had said that the objective of their bills was that the farmers of the country, especially small farmers, should be strengthened. They should get the right price for their produce and maximum options to sell the produce.

Also read: Salient features that got lost in the din of protest

The Prime Minister said for years that farmers of the country, agricultural experts and farmers' organizations were continuously making this demand. Earlier also many governments had brainstormed on this. This time, there was discussion in Parliament, brainstorming took place and these laws were brought up. In every nook and corner of the country, many farmers' organizations welcomed and supported it. The Prime Minister expressed his gratitude to the organizations, farmers and individuals who supported the move.

More read: Repeal of farm laws: Politics triumphs development

The Prime Minister said that the Government brought these laws for the welfare of farmers, especially small farmers, in the interest of the agriculture sector, for a bright future of ‘gaanv-gareeb’ - village-poor, with full integrity, clear conscience and dedication towards farmers. He continued, “such a sacred thing, absolutely pure, a matter of farmers' interest, we could not explain to some farmers despite our efforts. Agricultural economists, scientists, progressive farmers also tried their best to make them understand the importance of agricultural laws”.

PM also made it clear that this was not the time for blaming anyone and rededicated himself to working for the welfare of the farmers. He announced the formation of a committee to promote zero budgeting-based agriculture, change crop patterns as per the country’s changing needs, and to make MSP more effective and transparent. The Committee will have representatives of the central and state governments, farmers, agricultural scientists and economists.