The MSMEs of Southern States held Goa Summit under the aegis of Goa State Industries Association.

State Industries association organized the summit with the support of KASSIA and other Southern Associations.

The Summit was addressed by Pramod Savanth, Chief Minister of Goa, who outlined the importance of MSMEs in the country’s economy and industrial GDP.

The Chief Minister was emphatic on promoting investments into the SME sector in Goa and said that the state government would offer all support and incentives for the growth.

The objective of the summit was to highlight the issues to the Central government with a view to ensure that the government would address them and improve the eco-system for the functioning of the SMEs in the southern region as well as the country.

The summit highlighted the difficulties faced by the small scale industries in their functioning, particularly with respect to bank finance, NPAs, regulatory compliance, GST related issues and also infrastructure deficiency.

A memorandum highlighting various issues was submitted to the Goa Chief Minister to be forwarded to the Union Ministry of MSMEs, seeking redress of the various problems.

The Summit in Goa was attended by A P K Reddy, President, Federation of Small and Medium Enterprises (FSME), K.S. Subba Rao, President, FAPSIA, C.Babu, Tamil Nadu Small and Tiny Industries Association (TANSTIA) and many others from the industry.