Indian traders in Tripura will demand opening of four border haats (markets) and transshipment through Ashuganj port in Bangladesh during the visit of the Bangladesh Prime Minister, Ms Sheikh Hasina, on January 11, the president of Tripura Chamber of Commerce, Mr M.L. Debnath, said.

“Bangladesh recently experimented with transshipping of Indian goods from Kolkata through Ashuganj port which benefited the Indian traders immensely and the experiment was successful,” he said. “We demand immediate introduction of this facility.”

The Bangladesh Prime Minister will arrive here on January 11 on a two-day trip and Tripura Central University will confer her honorary Doctorate of Literature.

Trade talks

During the visit, she will also hold a discussion with businessmen from both sides at Prajna Bhavan here.

Mr Debnath said the traders would also demand opening of border haats in four points of the State so that local produces could be traded without the hassles of official formalities.

According to the proposal, areas of about 10 km are declared as free trade zones where local traders can sell their produces.

The Chairman of the Tripura Industrial Development Corporation, Mr Pabitra Kar, said that infrastructure facilities on both sides of the border should be improved.

“Infrastructures of Land Custom Stations (LCS) in both sides should be improved and the existing visa policy liberalised,” he said.