The US has initiated an antidumping duty investigations against import of polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) resin from India and China, according to the US Department of Commerce.

The probe is being started to determine whether imports of PTFE resin from China and India “are being dumped in the US, and a countervailing duty investigation to determine whether producers of PTFE resin in India are receiving alleged unfair subsidies,” the department said in a statement.

The PTFE is mostly used as a non-stick coating for utensils.

The department has stated that the estimated dumping margins alleged by the petitioner range from 23.4-408.9 per cent for China and 15.8-128.1 per cent for India.

In the antidumping investigations, it said the department would determine whether imports of the resin from China and India are being dumped in the American market at less than fair value.

On the other hand, it said, in the countervailing investigation, it will determine whether Indian producers of PTFE resin are receiving unfair government subsidies. If the department establishes that the products are being dumped, they can impose duties on those imports.

“In 2016, imports of PTFE resin from China and India were valued at an estimated $24.6 million and $14.3 million, respectively,” it added.

Countries initiate anti-dumping probes to determine if the domestic industry has been hurt by a surge in below-cost imports. As a counter measure, they impose duties under the multilateral WTO regime.

Anti-dumping measures are taken to ensure fair trade and provide a level-playing field to the domestic industry. They are not a measure to restrict imports or cause an unjustified increase in cost of products.