The Telecom Department will start allocation of 2G spectrum to operators soon after its decision on pricing of radio waves and priority list, which it expects to finalise in the next 2-3 months.

“We will certainly do it (spectrum allocation) as quickly as possible but there are two things that are required for all spectrum to be allocated to any of the company,” the Telecom Secretary, Mr R.Chandrashekhar, told PTI.

“One is the pricing for which already there is a process and we hope over next two to three months that will come to close. Second is sequence and the priority in which it has to be given,” he added.

TRAI response

The Telecom Secretary said that the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) has made certain recommendations and the DoT has written to it seeking additional inputs and explanation on some of the points that were recommended by the Authority.

“Once we receive response from them (TRAI) we will have closure on that. I expect that once these two issues are decided then the part is cleared,” he said.