PC maker Dell which has two billion online interactions with clients annually resulting in revenues of over $13 billion a year has in a unique initiative identified 3,000 of its employees as its online ambassadors.

These employees are trained and also awarded certificates after which they can participate in the company's social media for his or her job on behalf of the company. While employees are allowed to use their own profiles, only SMaC (Social Media and Communities University) certified employees are allowed to participate on behalf of Dell.

According to Ms Allison Dew, Executive Director, Social Media and Online Marketing, Dell, the company launched the programme because “it is really about constantly listening to customers rather than just revenue returns.”

Apart from participating in the social media, the SMaC certification also enables a Dell team member to make use of the Dell branded Twitter profile, says Ms Dew.

While over 3,000 employees worldwide have been SMaC certified, in India, the certification numbers are across three categories: More than 200 employees across all business functions including sales, customer service, product group are SMaC Professional certified (ie., completed all eight hours), about 350 employees are certified Enthusiasts (completed a two-hour policy class and allowed to share Dell news online personal networks) and 900 plus employees have attended SMaC University classes.

Ms Allison says there are no restrictions on participation in the certification programme but “they need to take the required classes to get certified.”

Mr Rajesh Lalwani, Founder and Principal of social media consulting firm Blogworks, says that this is a unique initiative. “Dell's focus on customer relationship is clear. If you have a focussed team for social media participation, the postings will be more responsible than if you have thousands of employees voicing their opinion. This will also scale up Dell's presence online.”