Research firm Gartner has lowered its projection for worldwide PC unit growth in 2011 owing to the cautious approach of consumers in mature markets.

It now expects PC shipments to grow 9.3 per cent in 2011, reaching 385 million units, as against a growth of 10.5 per cent as projected earlier.

PC growth will have to rely on businesses as there are not many compelling reasons for consumers in general to replace their PCs, Gartner said in a press statement.

"Consumer mobile PCs are no longer driving growth, because of sharply declining consumer interest in mini-notebooks,” said Mr Ranjit Atwal, research director at Gartner.

"Media tablets, such as the iPad, have also impacted mobile growth, but more because they have caused consumers to delay new mobile PC purchases rather than directly replacing aging mobile PCs with media tablets,” he added.