Cloud-based business applications provider HMS Info Tech and buuteeq, a digital marketing system provider for hotels, have entered into sales and marketing partnership to come up with a software-as-a-service offering.

Hotelogix, HMS' system for hotel management, adopts the SaaS model of delivery and targets small and mid-sized hospitality businesses that wish to automate operations. buuteeq on the other hand enables the bed-and-breakfast staff to populate and manage compelling marketing and promotional content on their Web sites, social media sites and mobile applications from anywhere, thus eliminating the need for custom hotel Web site design and development.

“The hospitality industry is leaping to cloud-based applications because of its unique anytime anywhere access which every hotelier needs today. There is tremendous infrastructure savings, efficiency, and ease-of-use benefits,” said Mr Aditya Sangha, CEO and co-founder, Hotelogix said.