
1. The ‘Panda Update' has been making news of late. What is it?

2. Who owns Endgadget, one of the largest tech news sites on the Web?

3. Who is Nikesh Arora, who got a $2.7-million bonus from his employer in addition to $20 million in equity?

4. After which animal is the eighth major release of Mac OS X, scheduled for summer of 2011, named?

5. In a move that could affect the future of online video, which movie did Warner Brothers begin with in its pact with Facebook to stream movies on rent?

6. What is the term being used for the time lag between an Android update and the release of a device based on it?

7. According to a recent interview, which two admired companies did Jimmy Wales of Wikipedia fame call the ‘hare' and ‘relentless'?

8. Name the eight-month old group text service, named after a ‘cute' mammal, bought by Facebook recently.

9. The largest NAND flash producer in the world at Yokkaichi was said to be safe after the recent quake and tsunami in Japan. Who are the co-owners of the facility?

10. Name the multi-faceted first CTO of Microsoft who has authored ‘Modernist Cuisine: The Art and Science of Cooking,' a six-volume, 2,400-page book on food.


1. Google’s recent change to its search algorithm

which has resulted in a shifting of $1 billion in

annual revenue among top Internet properties.

2. AOL

3. He is the Chief Business Officer of Google.

4. Lion

5. “Dark Knight”.

6. “Android’s Law”

7. Apple and Google.

8. Beluga

9. SanDisk and Toshiba.

10. Nathan Myhrvold.