Flickr - the site and the Android app - got updated today.

There is more to the new Flickr than just redesign. Every user will get one terrabyte of space.

Flickr is a part of Yahoo! and the redesign comes on the heels of Yahoo!’s acquisition of Tumblr.

The new Flickr allows users to share photos in full resolution. According to a Flickr blog post, “At Flickr, we believe you should share all your images in full resolution, so life’s moments can be relived in their original quality. No limited pixels, no cramped formats, no memories that fall flat.”

Yahoo! was being accused of ignoring Flickr, but that has changed now under Marissa Meyer. The new site, according to the blog, has “completely rebuilt the photostream to show off your photos in a seamless layout, and gave you room to express yourself with a customizable cover photo and high-res profile picture”.

The new Flickr has “a new slideshow mode that beautifully showcases photos so you can simply lean back and enjoy them without lifting a finger. We combined elegant transitions and facial detection technology to make sure the key elements in every photo are highlighted.”

Flickr also supports “up to a full 3 minutes per video of 1080p HD quality”

The updated Android app is somewhat similar to the iPhone app that got updated some time ago. The app has also received a major overhaul and users can “share your photos in brilliant, full resolution from anywhere to any device and anyone.”
