Apple plans to show ads in the App Store’s ‘Today’ tab and on individual app pages. This is in addition to the ads displayed in the search tab and search results.

According to reports, ads in the ‘Today’ tab will appear in the large card format like any other content in the tab, but with an ‘ad’ mark. In individual app pages, ads will appear under the ‘you might also like’ header. Like in App Store search, ads on app pages will be highlighted in blue to distinguish them from other recommendations.

Reportedly, Apple first began displaying ads in App Store search results in 2016 and began asking users for their permission to enable ‘personalised ads’ in September.

“Apple Search Ads provides opportunities for developers of all sizes to grow their business,” Apple said in a statement to AppleInsider.

“Like our other advertising offerings, these new ad placements are built upon the same foundation. They will only contain content from apps’ approved App Store product pages and will adhere to the same privacy standards,” it added.