The adoption of cloud technology by businesses in India can help save $24 billion between 2022-30 and reduce 60 million metric tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions if cloud operators source 100 per cent of energy from renewable sources, a senior official of customer relationship management firm Salesforce said on Thursday.

While sharing findings of a survey, Salesforce India Vice President for Solution Engineering Deepak Pargaonkar said there can be 48 million tonnes carbon dioxide reduction between 2022-30 if businesses migrate to cloud.

"Data centre capacity in India is expected to be one gigawatt...For such a huge capacity, if the cloud providers actually start using renewable energy, then it will actually have a lots of impact even in 2022 and the same impact by 2030 will be 60 million metric tonne of carbon dioxide emission reduction. I think movement is happening in that direction," he said.

According to the report, India could gain approximately $11 trillion by 2070 by leading decarbonisation efforts and transitioning to a green economy. Salesforce, in collaboration with YouGov and Access Partnership, commissioned the 'Trail to Net Zero for India' report which gathered insights from over 1,000 businesses in the country.

Ambitious target

The survey found that 83 per cent of respondents support a more ambitious target of net zero by 2050; 40 per cent believe the government should be doing more to address climate change; and 79 per cent support the provision of subsidies and incentives to businesses for the development of renewable energy technologies.

Also, 58 per cent of the businesses responded that achieving a net zero economy in India by 2050 will result in more jobs, while 84 per cent noted the importance of technology in achieving the net zero target.