Amid a raging global debate on the consequences of artificial intelligence (AI), India has formed a “policy group” to study the new technologies and recommend a framework for its adoption, IT industry body Nasscom said today.

“We all are currently working out on a policy framework on AI,” its vice-president KS Viswanathan told PTI, when asked about concerns over artificial intelligence.

He said a “policy group” has been created by the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology with representation from the academia, which has done a lot of research on the subject, and Nasscom for the industry’s perspective.

The group will focus on aspects such as skilling the workforce, privacy, security and fixing responsibility if anything goes wrong, Viswanathan said.

“We have to create a thought leadership on what is this programme all about, what is the likely impact. Create a thought leadership when AI becomes a reality, what are the elements and sub—elements which need to be taken care of, how do we take care of that,” he said.

When asked about the likely outcomes from the group’s deliberations, Viswanathan said nothing is certain about it, and hinted that it may be a policy framework.

On the timelines as well, he was non-committal on the longevity of the engagement for the group.

He said Nasscom will be holding a stakeholders’ consultative meeting on what is required from a policy perspective by the end of the year for the same.

Meanwhile, Viswanathan said there are over 800 multinationals such as Intel, Boeing, Bosch, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley that have set up their global in-house centres in the country and create $20 billion of work every year, growing at 10 per cent which is faster than the services export.